- Ceremonies
- Microdosing
- Information
- Harm Reduction
Microdosing Information goes here
A microdose of Psilocybin mushrooms is anything from 0.02g to 0.2g taken according to a schedule.

The schedules recommend are 3 days on 1day off or 5 days on 2 days off.

As it is a small amount, just put it on or under your tongue and let it dissolve. Wait at least 15 minutes before eating or drinking to allow it to settle and absorb.

Start with 0.1g and see. If that is too strong, drop to 0.05g. If too weak, try 0.15g. Etc. You will need to experiment to see what works best for you. You will also need to possibly adjust again if you get a new batch of the mushroom powder.

Please use a scale as eye judgment can lead to you taking too much or too little. You do not need psychedelic effects kicking in at Tesco’s whilst shopping!

It is likely that the off days will give great insight to whether the dosage you are using needs adjusting.

It is suggested that you keep a diary to document what you are taking and how you are feeling.